Eu cu baietii de la Piraues suntem prieteni de mult timp. Dar nu prieteni in acceptiunea generala a termenului, ci undeva inspre zona opusa.
M-am achitat azi de datoriile lunare fata de banca greceasca. Am rasuflat de de spirit, in momentul in care am iesit din sucursala lor. Evident, aveam gandirea oricarui om rational: am scapat, nu ma mai suna.
Dar, ce sa vezi?Unele erau credintele mele profund rationale, altele erau ratiunile lor, complet ilogice. Asa ca ma trezesc cu un telefon la ora 18, in care un domn de la Piraeus imi spune de rata pe care trebuie sa o platesc. Belesc ochii mari in il intreb calm(cu toate ca imi venea sa il trimit in abisul pizduitor al muma`sii):"Am achitat azi, la ora 12.00".
Din partea cealalta aud:"A...da?(se pare ca e tic verbal la Piraeus). Sa verific si eu daca s-a efectuat tranzactia. Asteptati putin".
La un minut dupa, imi spune:" Da, intr`adevar. Sa vad daca s-au alocat si banii si va sun eu. Trebuie sa vorbesc cu ai mei colegi de la Constanta".
Scrasnesc din dinti si ii spun ca astept telefonul lui, pentru confirmare. O alta confirmare.
Acum vin eu si va intreb, eu cu mentalitatea omului a-bancar si a-economic. Cum pzda ma`sii va sunati clientii fara a verifica inainte datele din cont si fara a avea un update de la colegii vostri de banca din alte sucursale?
Am doua alternative de raspuns:fie sunteti plin de zel si asteptati confirmari peste confirmari de la clienti(asta in varianta fericita), fie sunteti plini de o incompetenta fara margini. Si tind sa cred ca e a doua.
Lately, i`ve developed a special relationship with all the Piraeus Bank employees. But not that kind and full of love relationship. Try more like the other way around. They call me persistently to pay my financial dues and I try to avoid talkinf to them, mainly because of they`re awful client services and speeches.
Today wasn`t different from any other Piraues and I day. I succeeded in paying my monthly debt to Piraeus, after their bugging daily calls. I was in a way relief, smiling my way out of their annoying branch offices, relieved that I got read of them. Basically, i was having the normal and rational attitude of every bank customer that emptied his/hers pockets @ a bank.
But it seems that my personal beliefs didn`t match with theirs. And i said that because, later in the day, i got a phone call. Piraeus at the other end of the line. The Piraeus gentleman(credit officer, i assume) demands me to pay up. Calmly, i`m trying to explain that i`ve already paid, earlier on this day. He`s simply astonished by my reply and asks me: "Earlier this day, u say? Let me check for the transaction.Stay on the line, pls". After a couple of minutes he tells me what i already know: Yes, u were right. But i`m asking myself if the money got in our account or not".(And u espected me to answer this question..or what?) Further, he continues: I shoud call my colleagues and ask them that. I`ll call u back.I still believe that if i had sent him to hell it would have been more appropiate and would have made him improve his professional skills.
All in all, i come and ask u Piraues people, how the hell do u get paid for all these flaws in your professional work? Or you get paid directly proportional with the amount of clients that u annoy every single month? And ever more, how the hell do you call ur clients without having background checked their account infos?
I have 2 available answers for this particular question:either you are simply obsessed with getting excesive confirmations from your customers, either u have incompetent employees. And i tend to believe that the latter is true.
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