Random Events is a newly found agency, focused on organising events in Constantza and throughout Romania. The agency was founded in 2009 by a group of individuals who felt the need to change something in their surrounding context and, of course, concerning the specific market e in Constantza, which is not well represented at the time being.
Random stands for randomising ur way through life.
The entire team is quite small,if we take into account the number of it's members:
STU is encharged with technical support, sound, mics, mixers, beats and so on. He is the big Boss of everything related to the motion(not of the ocean, but of the sound). He provides the equipment@events and makes sure that everything goes with the plan.
BARAN is the artist of the group ,literally speaking. He has the ideas, sees the concepts and provides the MC..ing for events. He has what it takes to put a crowd in motion and keep the fun part at a high level.
SERON is the graph master and the IT specialist. He knows all (or almost all) about graphic, DTP and high tech. Most of all, he is the brain when it comes to visuals, supervising the actions and giving directions in order to have the job done.And done well.
RAMONNE is the last, but not the least. She is encharged with ...the big "I", meaning the image of RANDOM EVENTS. She keeps in touch with artists, spreads the infos about events and makes sure that the image of the brand is crystal clear. Being the only woman in the group, survival becomes her first main task.
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